Please note: At your instructor's discretion,
there may be minor alterations to the reading
assignments listed below. One of the major advantages to
providing you with an on-line readings archive is that
timely articles can be added or substituted when
appropriate. Opening documents downloaded from this
website will require that your computer have
Acrobat Reader . You will also need the
class-specific password to open individual files.
Unit 1. Understanding and predicting state
behavior in the modern state system
Some handy resources for the unit:
The texbook and InQuizitive
test registration cards are available at the bookstore.
Ebooks with a registration code for the InQuizitive system
can also be rented directly online at the publisher's
website, providing instant access to both resources for
under $50. See: https://digital.wwnorton.com/essir9.
If you are waiting for your book to arrive, this same website will let you set up a trial subscription to access the book and quizzes at no cost for a couple of weeks.
As you register or sign in to take a quiz, you may be prompted for a
unique or student id; with the way I have adjusted the
settings, you should leave this field blank and just continue to
register. When you register, you
MUST enter a "student set" code for me to see your
quiz work; if you do not enter a code or enter
the wrong one, I will not have access to your quiz
Your student set/code is: 881084.
If you have any problems, see this link to make sure you have linked your quizzes correctly.
Jan 8 (W)—What is the study of
"International Relations" about?
Important: Unless you are
given other instructions, quizzes need to be completed
within three days of the date where they are listed in the
schedule. In this case, you need to have this quiz
completed by no later than Friday.
(1) Keep up with the homework
readings as they are assigned. Each class meeting's
reading load is manageable; trying to complete more than a
week of homework reading at a time is going to be a big
challenge that I would like you to avoid. (2) Know what you are looking
for in each reading by frequently reviewing the unit study
guide. (3) Summarize readings as you
complete them and either take reading notes or use a
highlighting system so that you don't need to re-read
entire documents ahead of exams and paper assignments. You
will save yourself much time and energy if you do nothing
more than highlight a small portion of what you are
reading, including each article's main arguments and
examples of supporting evidence.
January 10 (F)—Getting started with some basic concepts
Jan. 13 (M)—More set of key concepts
Jan. 15 (W) and 17 (F)—What
is “the modern state system"? When and why did it
To place King's words into the larger context of his time, quickly read through the show's entire transcript of "Beyond Vietnam," which is available on the website (the first of two speeches featured on the show), which can be accessed from a link once the video is started. Your listening and reading should focus on Dr. King's views on the use of US force to achieve our ends (his comments are from 1967 on the Vietnam War, so you should critically consider how applicable his concerns are to US policy today). What specific concerns does King have about the role of the US in global politics, our motivations in foreign policy, and how we use our power? Why does he think the US should lead a "revolution in values," and what values does he think should be most emphasized in the global system?
Jan. 22 (W), 24
(F), 27 (M)—Leaders,
the sociopolitical structures, or the international
system? Which "level" of analysis allows us to best
predicts countries do?
On Wednesday, reflect on King's speech and finish up
on the key features of the international state system
and subsequent developments.
On Friday. we will focus on how differences in leaders
shape international politics
On Monday, we will focus on
how country-level political and economic systems shape
political behavior
Also, remember that you
have the option of writing a paper. If you choose to do
so, it will be due electronically and in hard copy at
the start of class the Monday after our exam. If the optional essay submitted, its grade will replace half of your test score. The topic, instructions, and deadline for the paper are noted in a handout that is in the PPTs and Assignments folder. If you write the paper, you MUST carefully review the syllabus sections on academic integrity, the use of artificial intelligence (including GP Chat), grading criteria, and citation expectations handouts before you begin. Monday after our test: Why do constructivists think it's up to us (especially our leaders and cultures) to create the kind of world we want to live in?