What can you do with a degree in political science or international relations? (This page has links to many different types of resources and data about post-college opportunities as well as some suggestions about professional development steps you should take while you still are in college)
Grading rubrics and handouts
Grading criteria for lower-division papers, take-home essays, and reports
Grading criteria for upper-division papers and take-home essays
Grading criteria for in-class exams
Criteria used to assess your "Engagement and Professionalism"
Improving your organization grades on papers
When and how to cite materials in your papers
HPU Dept. of Political Science (faculty contact information, courses, program requirements)
Smith Library . You can use the library's "Journal Finder" link to locate specific journals and articles; if you need an article or book that is not available through our library's resources, see the "interlibrary loan" page . Typically, the library is able to provide electronic copies of articles within a couple of days of submitting a request.
Google Scholar via HPU's proxy server. Use this handout to improve your research with Google Scholar (but keep in mind that for many of my assignments, you may not use outside sources). When you are off campus, you can access Google Scholar through HPU's proxy server address: https://libproxy.highpoint.edu/login?url=https://scholar.google.com/ . Connecting this way will allow you to access HPU electronic holdings as you search.